Innovative and winner of Microsoft Back Office Solution of the Year

Antony's role
Innovator, business model creator, internal fundraiser, product manager, business developer

The challenge
Inherit and integrate an aging global OSS/BSS portfolio running on five different operating systems with a huge backlog of feature requests from a highly motivated international user community.

The Solution
Terminate all legacy products immediately, promise a revolutionary replacement, and lead the way to fully embrace the newly launched Microsoft Back Office client/server architecture.

Deliver a solution that not only wins the Microsoft Back Office Solution of the Year (1997), but also becomes a global sales success for over twenty years. It even outlived the MD110 PBX platform it was designed for and became the OSS/BSS and operator console solution for the replacement IP-based solution for over a decade.

Lessons learned
Sometimes a forklift upgrade is the only way forward. Go big on new technology and energize your team and stakeholders. Don't stop until you succeed.


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