Tried to create a new wireless standard for homes.
Antony's role
Co-founder of the working group
The challenge
How can wireless phones and wireless data exist in the same unlicensed band?
The solution
Building a new 2.4Ghz radio technology for CyberGenie, together with Intel, Antony started the Home RF Working Group and came up with SWAP (Shared Wireless Access Protocol) as a single radio architecture for households. Operating in the unlicensed 2.4 GHz band, SWAP was intended to split the bandwidth into data and circuit-switched voice transmissions.
Although SWAP evolved into an active working group with specifications and working silicon, colleagues at Ericsson suddenly announced the MC-Link radio proposal. It quickly became clear that MC-Link was a better proposition, especially as voice over IP and 802.11 standards were evolving rapidly, so Antony switched the focus of business development from SWAP to the new Ericsson proposal which was eventually launched as Bluetooth.
Lessons learned
Standards take a long time to develop and can often end up in the middle of two stronger competitors. Often you have to kill your darlings and change teams